Delays in enquiries and requests


We are aware of the higher than usual wait times for people with disability awaiting access decisions and NDIS participants awaiting plan approvals.

At BSL Disability Services, our team continue to work alongside people with disability, children with developmental concerns, their families, and carers to review all enquiries and escalate to the NDIA where necessary.

While the NDIA process these requests, you can continue connecting with your local area coordinator or Early Childhood Coordinator if you have experienced a significant change in ...

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Transformative change for people with disability

‘Transformative solutions for inclusive development: the role of innovation in fuelling an accessible and equitable world’.

The United Nations theme for International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) is particularly relevant for the Brotherhood of St. Laurence (BSL) and the wider Australian community right now. We have gone through a transformative change over the last few years, and this has affected how we work, socialise, and interact with the world.

BSL this week launched our inaugural Disability Action Plan (DAP), which outlines ...

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Conversations about MS – Author Q&A

We chat with Steven Koutsodontis, author and Intake Officer at BSL NDIS about his journey with MS and the inspiration behind his self-published book, A Conversation About Multiple Sclerosis with My Family.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your journey with MS?
When I was 16 years old, I was dealt what I would describe as a wonderful gift one beautiful afternoon. This involved debilitating symptoms of fatigue, double vision, numbness, and loss of strength to the ...

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Solo exhibition reconnects Milos’s art with the community

For self-taught painter Milos Manojlovic, being an artist has been his passion since he was a young boy in Serbia.

“I have always had a creative side; I was into theatre when I was young,” Milos said.

“I wasn’t painting at that time, but I was always drawing and people around me would encourage me to start painting. Only when I arrived in Australia when I was 32 did I begin painting seriously.”

Since experiencing a stroke 10 years ago that impacted his ...

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Have your say on the Disability Support Pension


The Brotherhood of St. Laurence (BSL) are putting together a submission for a Senate inquiry into the Disability Support Pension (DSP).

You can out find out more about the inquiry here: Purpose, intent and adequacy of the Disability Support Pension – Parliament of Australia (

We want to include the perspectives of people who have recently applied for a DSP, either for themselves or someone they care for.

We are interested in hearing about people’s experiences of:

  • the general application process
  • whether you could find ...
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Connecting with BSL NDIS

We’re leveraging our digital platforms to make it easier to connect with the Brotherhood of St Laurence (BSL) NDIS team.

Our web chat service on the BSL NDIS website provides an additional communication channel for people with disability, family members, carers and the community to connect with us.

The web chat allows visitors ...

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Joe is reconnecting with his creativity

Joe PascoeJoe Pascoe’s career as a poet all started when he was faced with a dilemma. In need of a wedding anniversary gift for his wife, and with no ideas coming to mind, he wrote a poem instead.

He has since released two poetry books through Melbourne-based independent publisher, Readings Sideway Press. His latest book, Frangipani, is a series of poems exploring nature, ...

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Lachlan’s working towards independence

Lachlan at his new job at the Melbourne Cable Park

A chance visit to Melbourne Cable Park is what led Lachlan to discover a passion for wakeboarding and find new employment opportunities.

Lachlan, 19, who has cerebral palsy, has always been excited about his future but struggled to find the right opportunities that met his needs.

Lachlan worked with Brotherhood Local Area Coordinator, Sasha, ...

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Addressing wait times in accessing Early Childhood Early Intervention Services

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) have announced the introduction of a six-month interim plan for young children to resolve the delays and backlogs for children with disability in accessing Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) supports through the NDIS.

Following on from this announcement, the NDIA has released further information on the short term initiatives programs currently underway in order to make an impact and reduce wait times.

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Sharing experiences to create change

Workforce Advisor from Brotherhood NDIS Services, Helene Dore, was invited to share her experience to help Cambodian non-profit organisation Children’s Future International (CFI). 

Children’s Future International (CFI) supports children experiencing extreme disadvantage in rural Cambodia with social work and educational services.

At the Brotherhood, Helene is Workforce Advisor for our Local Area Coordination team, and has a background in disability service and development advice.

Invited to share her expertise on disability and mental health as part of an outreach program, Helene joined ...

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