This digest has been prepared by the Living with Disability Research Centre at La Trobe University and funded by the Brotherhood of St Laurence.

It summarises a selection of AAT decisions about the NDIS published in the preceding three months and highlight overarching themes.

By drawing out the implications of AAT decisions for interpreting the provisions of the Scheme the digest will help to inform participants, supporters and advocates and those involved in its administration.

This digest may be of interest to people with knowledge of the NDIS, including Local Area Coordinators, advocacy organisations, peak bodies and service providers.

For further information contact Living with Disability Research Centre:, or


Winter 2019 edition

Here are some of the key themes arising from the AAT decisions summarised in this Winter 2019 edition of the digest.

Read the digest: (PDF, 2.87MB)


Spring 2018 edition

Here are some of the key themes arising from the AAT decisions summarised in this Spring 2018 edition of the digest.

Read the digest (PDF, 2.78MB)