Finding her talent in floristry, Maddy one day hopes to open her own florist and gift store.
Over the last 12 months, Maddy, 22, who has an intellectual disability has developed a new outlook on life and is harnessing her creative talents.
But for Maddy, trying new activities and being out in the community wasn’t always easy.
Struggling with depression, lack of confidence and motivation, Maddy spent her time often alone in the house while mum Georgia was at work.
“She’s gone from being shy with little confidence and low morale to an outgoing person who is a joy to be around,” said mum Georgia.
“All of this happened because of the NDIS.”
Maddy worked with Local Area Coordinator, John, to develop an NDIS plan which addressed her goals of increasing her confidence and connecting with her community.
Now, Maddy is attending a day service with her support workers and has found her passion thanks to an introductory floristry course.
“Maddy has tapped into her creativity and has blossomed into a young woman,” said Georgia. “Every day I see something new in her and I’m so proud.”
Maddy is now also becoming self-sufficient, helping with household tasks and preparing to sit her driving test.
“This is a huge milestone for her,” said Georgia. “Twelve months ago, Maddy wouldn’t leave the house without me with her. Since the NDIS has rolled out, her confidence has elevated and she’s becoming independent in the community.”
Maddy is now involved in a leadership program at her day service, working with her group to implement new activities and programs to the service.
She hopes to use these skills to one-day help others with disability reach their employment goals through floristry and creative workshops.
“The NDIS has opened up a whole new world for her,” said Georgia.
“When Maddy was younger I was told she would never read, write or drive a car, she’s now doing all three and I couldn’t be prouder.”